Category Archives: news

IS Liu Wen the face of Apple Watch?

Liu Wen wearing an Apple Watch at Colette | instagram
Liu Wen wearing an Apple Watch at Colette.
(photo : iuwenlw@instagram)

Weeks ago, Apple caught everybody’s attention with their first wearable gadget – Apple Watch (formerly and unofficially the iWatch) alongside the highly anticipated iPhone 6 & iPhone 6+, and recently rumours are circulating that Chinese model Liu Wen will be the face of the hi-tech watch. Continue reading

Alexander Wang x H&M Ad Campaign is here

The official Alexander Wang x H&M ad campaign is unveiled.

Photographed by Mikael Jansso, the campaign features super models Joan Smalls, Raquel Zimmermann, Isabeli Fontana and Natasha Poly, as well as actual professional athletes, English soccer player Andy Carroll, and kickboxer Rivaldino dos Santos.

According to WWD, the campaign will be accompanied by a TV commercial and an online-only short film.

Alexander Wang x H&M collection will be available from November 6, 2014.

(source : WWD)

Felissimo「Tribute 21」慈善襟章Tote Bag Box Set


日本3.11海嘯大地震發生至今已接近半年,但全球為日本災民發起的慈善活動卻從未間斷,來自日本的郵購公司 Felissimo 特別選出21個曾經被製作成「Tribute 21彩碟」的設計,變成為日本災民打氣的愛心襟章,並連同Message Tote Bag以2,800日元發售,部份收益將透過「長腿叔叔育英會」捐贈予東日本大地震中喪失父母的孤兒。