Category Archives: MOVIE

Eddie Redmayne stars as Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything

It might be a bit too early to put Eddie Redmayne‘s name on the Oscar nominations list BUT many critics, after the world premiere of “The Theory of Everything” at Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), suggest that Eddie might have won the ticket.

And now we can catch a first glimpse of his amazing performance coz Universal Pictures just released the global trailer of the Stephen Hawking biopic. Continue reading

Tom Cruise Dakota Fanning in War of the Worlds


看《強戰世界》意料之內的是全場爆滿,意料之外的是靜 ——以「強戰」掛帥,銀幕上的炮火當然不會為閣下耳膜著想,我指的是觀眾。後來想一想,如此公式化的劇情架構,連最後知後覺和平日喜歡在戲院內高聲預測劇情的觀眾們今次也不屑發表意見,腦筋和耳根於是清淨。

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